Bertel Andersen?–?
- Name
- Bertel Andersen
Birth of a brother | 1758 Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark
brother -
Anders Andersen
Christening of a brother | 24 December 1758 Flødstrup Kirke, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark
brother -
Anders Andersen
Death of a paternal grandmother | February 1760 Revninge sogn, Bjerge herred, Odense amt, Danmark
paternal grandmother -
Eili Pedersdatter
Death of a father | before 1 May 1785 Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark
father -
Anders Jensen
Death of a mother | before 12 October 1788 Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark
mother -
Maren Bartelsdatter
Death of a brother | 2 October 1823 Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark
brother -
Anders Andersen
Burial of a brother | 8 October 1823 Flødstrup Kirkegård, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark
brother -
Anders Andersen
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Anders Jensen
Birth about 1722 38 40 Death before 1 May 1785 (Age 63) Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Loading...
mother |
Maren Bartelsdatter
Birth 1722 Death before 12 October 1788 Age: 66 Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Loading...
Religious marriage: 18 March 1750 — Drigstrup Kirke, Drigstrup sogn, Bjerge herred, Odense amt, Danmark |
8 years #1 brother |
Anders Andersen
Birth 1758 36 36 Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Death 2 October 1823 (Age 65) Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Loading...
#2 himself |
#3 brother |
#4 brother |
#5 brother |
Anders "Graver" Andersen
Birth about 1755 33 33 Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Death 21 November 1756 (Age 22 months) Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Loading...
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Last change 8 November 2017 - 11:23:31Hit Count: 827