Conradt SplittorfAge: 701722–1793
- Name
- Conradt Splittorf
Birth | before 11 December 1722 46 35 Spjellerup sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark |
Christening | 11 December 1722 Spjellerup sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark |
Death of a maternal grandfather | 10 February 1723 (Age 61 days) Vordingborg købstad, Bårse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark
maternal grandfather -
Niels Christensen Krom
Birth of a brother | before 3 August 1725 (Age 2) Spjellerup sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark
younger brother -
Niels Krom Splittorf
Death of a mother | before 1 June 1736 (Age 13) Vemmetofte sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark
mother -
Else Marie Nielsdatter Krom
Death of a father | 15 October 1737 (Age 14) Vemmetofte sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark
father -
Johannes Splittorf
Marriage | Barbara Kirstine Højer - View family 8 September 1751 (Age 28) Magleby - Holtug sogn, Stevns herred, Præstø amt, Danmark |
Birth of a daughter #1 | before 11 July 1752 (Age 29) Hjembæk sogn, Tuse herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark
daughter -
Birgite Splittorf
Birth of a son #2 | about 1754 (Age 31)
son -
Johannes Splittorf
Baptism of a son | 3 July 1754 (Age 31) Bjergsted sogn, Skippinge herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark
son -
Johannes Splittorf
Birth of a son #3 | before 27 October 1756 (Age 33) Værslev sogn, Skippinge herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark
son -
Johan Henreich Splittorf
Baptism of a son | 27 October 1756 (Age 33) Værslev sogn, Skippinge herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark
son -
Johan Henreich Splittorf
Engagement | Mette Mortensdatter - View family 11 October 1782 (Age 59) Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark |
Death of a wife | 3 March 1783 (Age 60) Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark
wife -
Barbara Kirstine Højer
Birth of a daughter #4 | 14 August 1783 (Age 60) Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark
daughter -
Barbara Kirstine Splittorf
Birth of a son #5 | before 22 July 1785 (Age 62) Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark
son -
Carl Splittorf
Birth of a daughter #6 | 11 August 1787 (Age 64) Lundehuset, Kalundborg købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark
daughter -
Sidse Cathrine Splittorf
Birth of a son #7 | about 1790 (Age 67) Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark
son -
Morten Splittorf
Death | 20 February 1793 (Age 70) Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark |
Burial | 26 February 1793 (6 days after death) Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Cemetery: Olai |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Johannes Splittorf
Birth 1 June 1676 Kirchbauna, Hessen, Tyskland Death 15 October 1737 (Age 61) Vemmetofte sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark Loading...
11 years mother |
Else Marie Nielsdatter Krom
Birth before 6 April 1687 Vordingbord købstad, Bårse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark Death before 1 June 1736 (Age 49) Vemmetofte sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark Loading...
Marriage: 7 November 1708 — Vordingborg Kirke, Vordingborg købstad, Bårse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark |
2 years #1 elder sister |
Sidsel Katarina Splittorf
Birth before 12 April 1711 34 24 Spjellerup sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark Loading...
2 years #2 elder brother |
Johan Hendrich Splittorf
Birth before 5 June 1713 37 26 Spjellerup sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark Loading...
23 months #3 elder sister |
Martha Cathrina Splittorf
Birth before 21 April 1715 38 28 Spjellerup sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark Loading...
4 years #4 elder brother |
Carl Splittorf
Birth before 26 February 1719 42 31 Spjellerup sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark Loading...
4 years #5 himself |
Conradt Splittorf
Birth before 11 December 1722 46 35 Spjellerup sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark Death 20 February 1793 (Age 70) Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Loading...
3 years #6 younger brother |
Niels Krom Splittorf
Birth before 3 August 1725 49 38 Spjellerup sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark Loading...
Family with Barbara Kirstine Højer - View family |
himself |
Conradt Splittorf
Birth before 11 December 1722 46 35 Spjellerup sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark Death 20 February 1793 (Age 70) Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Loading...
1 month wife |
Barbara Kirstine Højer
Birth about 1723 Death 3 March 1783 (Age 60) Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Loading...
Marriage: 8 September 1751 — Magleby - Holtug sogn, Stevns herred, Præstø amt, Danmark |
10 months #1 daughter |
Birgite Splittorf
Birth before 11 July 1752 29 29 Hjembæk sogn, Tuse herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Death 26 April 1817 (Age 64) Age: 64 years 9 months 15 days Asnæs, Årby sogn, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Loading...
18 months #2 son |
Johannes Splittorf
Birth about 1754 31 31 Loading...
3 years #3 son |
Johan Henreich Splittorf
Birth before 27 October 1756 33 33 Værslev sogn, Skippinge herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Loading...
Family with Mette Mortensdatter - View family |
himself |
Conradt Splittorf
Birth before 11 December 1722 46 35 Spjellerup sogn, Fakse herred, Præstø amt, Danmark Death 20 February 1793 (Age 70) Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Loading...
wife |
#1 son |
Carl Splittorf
Birth before 22 July 1785 62 Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Loading...
-23 months #2 daughter |
Barbara Kirstine Splittorf
Birth 14 August 1783 60 Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Death 21 February 1866 (Age 82) Bjergsted sogn, Skippinge herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Loading...
4 years #3 daughter |
Sidse Cathrine Splittorf
Birth 11 August 1787 64 Lundehuset, Kalundborg købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Loading...
2 years #4 son |
Morten Splittorf
Birth about 1790 67 Kalundborg Købstad, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Loading...