Juster NielsenAge: 681714–1782
- Name
- Juster Nielsen
Birth | about 1714 |
Birth of a son #1 | 1749 (calculated) (Age 35) Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark
son -
Daniel Justesen
Death of a wife | before 12 May 1758 (Age 44) Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark
wife -
Bodel Danielsdatter
Death of a father | after 12 May 1758 (Age 44)
father -
Niels Rasmussen
Marriage | Anna Nielsdatter - View family 28 July 1758 (Age 44) Flødstrup Kirke, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark |
Birth of a daughter #2 | before 7 September 1760 (Age 46) Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark
daughter -
Bodild Justesdatter
Baptism of a daughter | 7 September 1760 (Age 46) Flødstrup Kirke, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark
daughter -
Bodild Justesdatter
Death of a wife | before 10 April 1774 (Age 60) Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark
wife -
Anna Nielsdatter
Marriage | Bodel Danielsdatter - View family yes |
Death | before 8 December 1782 (Age 68) Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Niels Rasmussen
Death after 12 May 1758 Loading...
#1 himself |
Juster Nielsen
Birth about 1714 Death before 8 December 1782 (Age 68) Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Loading...
Family with Anna Nielsdatter - View family |
himself |
Juster Nielsen
Birth about 1714 Death before 8 December 1782 (Age 68) Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Loading...
wife |
Anna Nielsdatter
Death before 10 April 1774 Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Loading...
Marriage: 28 July 1758 — Flødstrup Kirke, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark |
2 years #1 daughter |
Bodild Justesdatter
Birth before 7 September 1760 46 Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Death 17 May 1833 (Age 72) Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Loading...
Family with Bodel Danielsdatter - View family |
himself |
Juster Nielsen
Birth about 1714 Death before 8 December 1782 (Age 68) Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Loading...
wife |
Bodel Danielsdatter
Death before 12 May 1758 Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Loading...
Marriage: yes |
#1 son |
Daniel Justesen
Birth 1749 (calculated) 35 Flødstrup, Flødstrup sogn, Vindinge herred, Svendborg amt, Danmark Death yes Loading...